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(150ml | 750ml)

Dry White Wine - 13.5%

24 | 120 RON

Budureasca Valley is a place with a fascinating history, full of archaeological discoveries, which attest to the existence of ancient civilizations. Located in the heart of Dealu Mare, one of the most famous wine-growing regions in Romania, Valea Budureasca has been, over the centuries, an ideal place for growing vines thanks to its rich soil and favorable climate.

  • SABRIZE ROSÉ (150ml | 750ml)

    24 | 120 RON
    Dry Rosé wine - 13.5%
    Grape variety: Merlot
    Nose: fresh and fruity aromatic bouquet
    Taste: fruity, based on strawberry and shortbread
    Food pairings: Chicken, Seafood, Salads, Easter
  • SABRIZE FETEASCĂ NEAGRĂ (150ml | 750ml)

    24 | 120 RON
    Dry Red Wine - 14%
    Grape variety: Fetească Neagră
    Nose: fruity aromas of blackcurrant and blackberry
    Taste: The taste of plum jam closes in a long aftertaste
    Food pairings: Beef, Chicken, Pork



Dry Red Wine - 14.5%

160 RON
Chateau Cristi

A tribute to the politician and winemaker Vladimir Cristi, a prominent personality of the Republic of Moldova in the 20th century (mayor, politician and winemaker). Since 2015 Chateau Cristi is a wine producer again, the Cristi family keeping the tradition of more than 100 years. The location of the vineyard is in the south of the Republic of Moldova, in the Valul lui Traian region. The terroir is very similar to the Bordeaux region of France. It is ideal for local and foreign (French) grape vines, ideal for red and white wines, monoses and coupage.


    160 RON
    Dry Red Wine - 14.5%
    Grape variety: Malbec Saperavi
    Nose: ripe plums, sweet cherries
    Taste: delicate aromas of blackberries, black currants and violets, with a velvety texture and notes of Food pairings: spicy cheeses, beef
  • PINOT NOIR (750ml)

    155 RON
    Dry Red Wine - 14%
    Grape variety: Pinot Noir
    Nose: violets, truffles Taste: Aromas of cherries, cloves, berries, eucalyptus and vanilla
    Food pairings: forest mushrooms, dishes with creamy sauces, veal dishes with red sauce, tarts with vanilla cream and red fruits

    155 RON
    Dry White Wine - 14%
    Grape variety: Chardonnay
    Nose: yellow apple, exotic fruits
    Taste: refined notes of pear, quince, acacia flowers, mango and vanilla
    Food pairings: white meat, fish and shellfish dishes with white butter sauce, creamy cheeses, nuts and candied yellow fruit
Petro Vaselo

  • OVAS (750ml)

    185 RON
    Dry Red Wine - 14.5%
    Grape variety: Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot
    Nose: the bouquet brings to the scene rich notes of black fruits and cloves Taste: intense aromas of black currants, blueberries and juicy cherries, complimented by a fine blend of spices
    Food pairings: red meat and game



Dry Red Wine - 14.5%

185 RON
Crama Gîrboiu

The story of Crama Girboiu begins in 2005, a time when the founder Constantin Girboiu was flirting with the idea of a challenge that would bring him close to the things he has always felt connected to, namely agriculture. The connection with the world of wine came as an immediate and natural consequence, a business kept in the family throughout the generations. Thus, the foundations of the Crama Gîrboiu business were laid, with deep emotional connections, and among the first steps of the formed identity was the choice of the now easily recognizable logo, the stylized face of the founder's father.

  • EPICENTRUM ROSÉ (150ml | 750ml)

    23 | 115 RON
    Dry Rosé wine - 12.3%
    Grape variety: Cabernet Sauvignon, Fetească Neagra
    Nose: Fruity
    Taste: raspberry, strawberry
    Food pairings: salads, pasta, spicy dishes, desserts

    23 | 115 RON
    Dry Red Wine - 14.9%
    Grape variety: Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot
    Nose: blackberries, blackcurrants and plums
    Taste: vanilla, cloves, tobacco and cocoa
    Food pairings: mutton pastrami, pork chops with wine sauce, beef tagliata
  • EPICENTRUM SARBA & PLAVAIE (150ml | 750ml)

    23 | 115 RON
    Dry White Wine - 12.3%
    Grape variety: Şarba, Plăvaie
    Nose: white fruits and wild flowers
    Taste: Fresh with velvety notes
    Food pairings: goat cheese, chicken sandwiches with guacamole, pasta in white sauce with truffles


(150ml | 750ml)

Dry Red Wine - 14.9%

23 | 115 RON



Dry Rosé wine - 12.6%

135 RON
Crama Rasova

This is how the stories we believe in begin. And if you have never heard such a story before, it is the very demonstration of this fact. Therefore, we are not interested in saying what has already been said. We are not interested in showing what has been shown or doing what has been done. We are interested in being us! As we are and no one has been before. We are interested in growing our own story and creating our own wines, making room in old Dobrogea for a bit more contemporary energy.

  • SUR MER CUVEÉ ALB (750ml)

    135 RON
    Dry White Wine - 12.5%
    Grape variety: Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Feteasca Regală
    Nose: Tropical fruits, Peaches, Citrus
    Taste: Fresh, sweet and ripe notes of tangerines, peaches and red apples
    Food pairings: Fish, Seafood, Chicken.
  • SUR MER CUVEÉ ROSU (750ml)

    140 RON
    Dry Red Wine -14.2%
    Grape variety: Merlot, Syrah, Cabernet Sauvignon
    Nose: Chocolate, Smoke, Fruit, Almond
    Taste: Fruity, Explosive and Warm Style, Bitter Cherries, Black Currants Culinary pairings: Beef, Duck, Aged Broccoli
  • SUR MER ROSÉ (750ml)

    135 RON
    Dry Rosé wine - 12.6%
    Grape variety: Merlot, Feteasca Neagra, Pinot Noir, Syrah
    Nose: Strawberry, Grapefruit, Fruity, Raspberry, Citrus, Acacia flowers, Vanilla
    Taste: Citrus, Strawberry, Grapefruit, Spicy
    Food pairings: Fish, Seafood, Chicken, Vegetables
Crama Jelna

We are a young family of entrepreneurs from Bistrita-Nasaud county, Jelna village, fascinated by wine and wine culture. We do nothing but continue and protect a story, an area and a wine-growing spirit that has been dormant for several centuries here in Jelna. The hills where we planted our vines, according to centuries-old maps of this wine-growing area, were cultivated with vines, but the varieties are not specified. One of the oldest mentions of wines from this area I found in the Church Registers, of the church of Jelna, in which it was mentioned that Petrus Murator, the painter of the church, the one who supposedly painted the Navicella fresco, was paid in barrels of wine


    140 RON
    Dry White Wine - 13.5%
    Grape variety: Sauvignon blanc
    Nose: Pomello, elderflowers, passion fruit, lime, gooseberry and mango
    Taste: fine, mineral taste
    Food pairings: perfect to serve before eating as an aperitif, but also in combination with fish

    140 RON
    Dry Red Wine - 13.5%
    Grape variety: Cabernet Sauvignon
    Nose: ripe cherries, currants
    Taste: violets, black cherries, currants, rum, dark chocolate
    Food pairings: baked red meat, aged cheeses, desserts based on dark chocolate

    140 RON
    Dry Rosé Wine - 12.3%
    Grape variety: Pinot Noir
    Nose: cherries and sour cherries, as well as decadent notes of geranium
    Taste: conquers with its elegance and delicacy, having a velvety, soft and tender texture.
    Food pairings: cured meats, white meat, seafood, fresh, light cheeses or as an aperitif



Dry Red Wine - 13.5%

140 RON



Dry White Wine - 12.8%

140 RON
Crama Cepari


    145 RON
    Dry White Wine - 12.7%
    Grape variety: Selected Crâmposie
    Nose: Floral bouquet, pears, vegetal notes
    Taste: green apple, ripe apricots, pear, shades of lime, aftertaste of grapefruit, a slight exotic touch
    Food pairings: chicken and fish dishes, pasta carbonara, as well as fine cheeses.

    140 RON
    Dry White Wine - 12.8%
    Grape variety: Tămâioasă Romanian
    Nose: acacia flowers, linden, basil
    Taste: elegant and pleasant taste and aftertaste with citrus, lime, apricot and rose influences
    Food pairings: white meat, fine cheeses, desserts.

    150 RON
    Dry red wine - 14.4%
    Grape variety: Negru de Drăgășani
    Nose: currants, figs and spices
    Taste: black cherries, blueberries, blackberries
    Food pairings: red meat, fine and mature cheeses


(150ml | 750ml)

Prosecco White Brut - 11.5%

20 | 100 RON
Sparkling Wine & Prosecco

  • ZAZ (150ml | 750ml)

    20 | 100 RON
    Prosecco White Brut - 11.5%
    Nose: Fruity, Green Apples, Floral, Citrus, White Flowers
    Taste: Fruity Aromas, Balanced, Fresh
    Food pairings: Appetizers, Dessert

    125 RON
    Raw White Sparkling Wine - 12%
    Grape variety:Francusa
    Nose: Wildflowers, Toast, Lime, Peaches
    Taste: Fresh, fruity accents
    Food pairings: seafood, fresh cheeses, white meat
  • BENDIS ROSÉ (750ml)

    115 RON
    Rosé Brut Sparkling Wine - 11.5%
    Grape variety: Pinot Noir
    Nose: fragrant hints of fruit and flowers, where notes of rose and raspberry stand out in particular
    Taste: floral-fruity aromas, where the red fruits are beautifully highlighted by the creamy pearl
    Food pairings: fresh cheeses or seafood

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